Today’s Spotlight: Advocating–Expanding (05.03.20)
WelcomE: It’s good that you’re here.
If this is your first time with us, here’s our simple, five-part Spotlight framework so you know where we’re headed for the next 90 minutes:
Welcome > Worship > Learn > Serve > Farewell
Watch this video for an overview of what we’ve talked about so far in this series of Spotlights.
01. Check In: Let us know you’re here
Please check in using the form below. (It’s the best way you can help us serve you well.)
Listen to the instructions by pressing play below. (This is more than just entering your name!)
02. Sing Along: Thankfulness
03. read & Interact: Your Kingdom Come
04. Fill Out: it is unfinished
05. watch: kids’ module
For kids according to age, and for the kid in each of us…
The Four Drawings:
Draw a time you didn’t do what your mommy or daddy told you to do.
Draw a time your mom or dad showed you love..
Draw a way you know Jesus loves you.
Draw a picture about something you could do to say thank you to your mom and dad or to Jesus for how much they love you.
06. Watch: Pastor Problems and Jesus’ Dreams
07. Watch: Carried along (Part 3)
The journey of the ferry commuter comes to an end. To view Part 1, click here. To view Part 2, click here.
08. watch & discuss: Christ’s Expansion Plan
Consider grabbing your own Bible (or opening your go-to Bible app on your phone) so you can take notes with the video.
After you’ve watched, discuss the following two questions:
What insight or observation from Ephesians 4:11-13 did you find to be most helpful, encouraging, or challenging? Explain.
Compare Christ’s expansion plan (the Biblical model of ministry) to your church’s expansion plan. What is your church doing well? How could your church improve?
09. interact & Discuss: Expanding & Excuses
Use the > arrow on the right to move through the discussion guide.
10. Watch: Going = Growing (part 2)
Once you’ve watched the video, discuss these questions.
Quote to ponder: “Talking to people that want to represent Jesus to the world has always been my highest privilege.”
Professor Sorum talks about how pastors tend to shape the people at their church.
But this idea can apply to everyone: “Are you aware of the fact that people are learning from you how to be a human, how to be a Christian…by watching you?”
Question to personally answer: Who in your life is/might be learning from you? Watching you? Being shaped by you?
What are you excited about?...What’s your favorite story about Jesus?...I’m just always looking for someone I can tell a story to.”
Who is someone you could tell a story to?
Who could be your “Terry?” How beautiful would that be?!
11. Watch: you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take
12. Do: leveling up
There is nobody who is perfect, nor will anyone be. Jesus alone has that distinction - he is the highest and best version of a person. He has given us credit for his perfection, and in doing so, taken away the pressure on us to do the impossible and be perfect. He also calls us to work with him as he loves the world around us, and it’s pretty natural for us to want to do a good job as his representatives who love and want to glorify him.
This chart is meant to help you do just that: glorify Jesus with a thankful heart.
13. Pray & Give
1a. If you’re experiencing the Spotlight as a group: Pray through the prayer requests you/your group wrote down earlier.
1b. If you’re experiencing the Spotlight in a Zoom room: pray along with your pastor as he shares your prayer requests (submitted at check-in) and prays for Jesus to expand his kingdom through us, his people. Then join him and pray the Lord’s prayer:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.
We don’t primarily gather offerings to simply keep ministry going, or even to expand ministry (though those are certainly both blessings of our offerings).
Primarily, we gather offerings to glorify God. We consider what God has given us to manage (everything we have), and we offer a portion of what he has given us back to him. Giving an offering is an opportunity for you to express faith in and say “thank-you” to a God who has made life-giving promises to you--who has expanded his kingdom and his family to include you!
You can do just that by clicking one of the buttons below, or you can also mail an offering to:
Illumine Church
1262 Riverchase Blvd.
Rock Hill, SC 29732Illumine Church
11051 Phinney Ave N
Seattle, WA 98133.