Illumine uses an online service called SpreadShirt for apparel. SHOP NOW
SpreadShirt makes it possible for Illumine to offer
many different designs
in many different styles
with customization options
It also handles the payment side of the work. You can simply visit the site, order the apparel you're interested in, and see it delivered directly to your home.
There should be something for everyone, and if there isn't, let Pastor Nathan know. New designs, product styles, and apparel choices can be added at any time. Here is a sampling of the items available. For more information and styling options, click on the images to be taken to the site.
A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth
Preach You the Word
What Can Stand
Brothers, Sisters, Let Us Gladly
Heaven is My Home
Lord, You I Love with All My Heart
See Life Better
Savior of the Nations, Come
A Newborn Bloom
O Jesus So Sweet
There is a Fountain Filled with Blood
What Wondrous Love is This
Interested in purchasing sheet music or single tracks from this album? Please click HERE.