Today’s Spotlight:
God’s care for families

(published 5.24.20)





WelcomE: It’s good that you’re here. 

If this is your first time with us, here’s our simple, five-part Spotlight framework so you know where we’re headed for the next 90 minutes:

Welcome > Worship > Learn > Serve > Farewell

If you weren’t able to join us for the first two weeks of this series, watch this video for an overview of what we are talking about.



01. Listen: He’s Always Been Faithful

Listen, meditate, or sing along to this song as you check in below.



02. Check In: Let us know you’re here

Please check in using the form below. (It’s the best way you can help us serve you well.)






03. interact: q&a with God


Q&A,With God,START,"Have you ever given orders to the morning,or shown the dawn its place,that it might take the earth by the edgesand shake the wicked out of it?",Job 38:12-13,First, say your answer to God's question out loud.,GOD'S ANSWER:But I can...and I do.,Again, first say your answer to God's question out


04. interact: Keeping the Providence Promise

Create your own user feedback survey

05. watch: I’m just a cookie


06. Watch: Interaction


07. Watch (& sing along): doxology





08. interact: agree/disagree


Let’s start to think about groupfulness through a few agree/disagree exercises. From the outset, know this: These are really designed to instigate discussion - to get you thinking. There is an extent to which you can agree and disagree with each.

If you’re doing this with a group, set a timer for 90 seconds to discuss each one. Then read the verses on the next slide and move onto the next discussion starter.

09. discuss: the true story of the good samaritan

If you haven't listened to it yet, listen to the sermon now or read Luke 10:25-37. Then discuss the questions below in your groups.

There are, sadly, two interpretations typically offered for this parable. They are the...

  • Moralistic and Legalistic Interpretation | The Good Samaritan represents people and the moral of this story is this: “Be Good. Do Good. Be a hero! Be the Good Samaritan!”

  • Christ-Centric Interpretation | The Good Samaritan represents Christ and the moral of this story is this: “We are far from good. We cannot do good. We cannot justify ourselves. But Christ justifies us, heals us, and makes us right with God.”   

The "Moralistic and Legalistic Interpretation" is wrong since it does not consider the narrative in which this story is told. The "Christ-Centric Interpretation" considers what Jesus himself said before and after telling this parable.

  1. Which interpretation have you heard for most of your life?

  2. How is the moralistic and legalistic interpretation especially appealing to our sinful nature? Why is it so damaging?

  3. Compare and contrast the feeling that the two interpretations leave the hearer with.

  4. Explain this statement: “The Christ-Centric understanding of this story at once frees people from legalistic and moralistic demands while simultaneously accomplishing more than they demand.”



10. Interact: the opposite of selfishness

Use the presentation below to discover the “opposite of selfishness.” It may not be what you think, especially because the answer we’re going to suggest is a word we made up… 😜


Let's play a game of,"think like the presentation".,We're going to use Luke 12:13-34.It will be helpful for you to have your Bible open to those verses or your favorite Bible app pulled up.,If you don't have either, don't worry.



11. watch: groups serving groups

Watch this interview with Shannon Bohme of WELS Mission Journeys and then complete the thought experiment below the video.





12. Pray & Give

Pray. Our prayer today will follow a format called ACTS:

Adoration | You know what is best for us. You created us in the way that was just right. You allow us to be in the exact correct situations. You work all things for our good. All the time.

Confession | We're sorry we've been too prideful, or not aware enough, or too selfish, to see the groups we are a part of as a blessing from you.

Thanksgiving | Thank you for not creating us as loners.

Supplication | Please use the groups we are a part of to serve others. Help us serve with our groups more than we can serve by ourselves, for the benefit of others.

Pray. Then join together in praying The Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever.

Give. You can support Illumine by clicking one of the buttons below, or you can also mail an offering to:

Illumine Church
1262 Riverchase Blvd.
Rock Hill, SC 29732

Illumine Church
11051 Phinney Ave N
Seattle, WA 98133



13. Listen & MEDITATe: Future/Past



Thanks for joining us.
See you back soon!






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