Love & Trust | May, 2021

As you perhaps know, the CDC has updated its mask recommendations for people who are fully vaccinated (Check out the recommendations HERE). What does this mean for Illumine Church?

Well, “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). Love means acting selflessly. Love also means trusting others and assuming the best of their thoughts, words, and actions. 

So, please continue to operate in selfless love towards others as you consider whether or not to wear a mask to worship and other Illumine events. Continue to operate in selfless love as you care for other people and their needs, feelings, and experiences. And continue to trust others and assume they are also acting in love.

What could this look like? Here are two examples: Pastor Nathan—who got his second vaccine shot on May 4th, and so is now “fully vaccinated” according to the CDC’s definition—will no longer wear a mask before, during, or after worship. And Illumine's president, Jared Colón, who is not fully vaccinated, will continue to wear a mask.

If you have questions or would like to simply talk more about this, please don’t hesitate to reach out! To do so, use the form HERE.

In the love of Jesus,

Illumine’s Campus Council

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