Worship for Today
When we worship, we spend a period of time - however long it lasts, however long we can stay - resting in the promises of God. At Illumine we talk about God shining "on" us in worship, meaning we do what a beach vacationer does as the sun shines on them. We let go, we relax, and we get some much needed rejuvenation. The difference between Sunday morning at Illumine and a week at the beach is that the rest you get in worship is spiritual, not physical or emotional (at least not primarily.)
Fortunately, most of us have the opportunity to get this spiritual rest at least once a week. (Much more frequently than most can afford a vacation!) Unfortunately, this weekly pattern of worshiping can make us forget how fortunate we are to have this rest built-in. When Monday comes, we feel spiritually drained and dread the coming week because we haven't recharged - even though that's a big part of why Sunday exists.
The great thing, though, about worship is that even on the Mondays when "Sunday didn't cut it" (because we couldn't worship, or couldn't focus, or forgot why we were there) the promises in which we basked in public worship shine just as brightly as they did yesterday. Unlike a sunny beach, the promises of God are never further away than the Bible. If you haven't got a Bible, check out a sermon (and then call Illumine - we will get you one!)
So take advantage of this rest. It's freely available and not hard to get. Let it carry you through the week, and then come worship on Sunday, realizing that you aren't doing it to make God happy or to be a dutiful Christian - you're doing it for next Monday, Tuesday, and all the other days when your primary purpose will be to reflect the light of God he gave you in worship to others.
Psalm 62:1-2
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
-Pastor Kent Reeder