Better than One

We mostly hear the words "a cord of three strands is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12) at weddings. They're well-used in that context. 

But they're part of a much bigger picture of community. Imagine a person who accomplished a lot, but had no one on whom to spend it or with whom to share it. They'd really only have one option: keep working. This would be a miserable option, because they would be working for nothing, but at least they'd be doing something. 

But having someone else (friends, neighbors, relatives, etc.) makes it all worth doing. You have partners in celebration. You have beneficiaries in work. You have support in difficulty. 

At Illumine, we particularly like to apply this way of thinking to our Community Service. Having outlets, whether through the Non-Profit of the Month or the Free Yard Sale or something you've found to invest in personally, outlets that allow you to take advantage of the wealth of knowledge, resources, and love that Christ has given into your stewardship makes life make sense. Looking at the world through the lens of generosity and seeing that it binds us to others and gives us friends on this long road of life helps us see servanthood better.

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

-Pastor Kent Reeder